Help Center
Apply for The Strategy Institute Certifications

If you already have a myTSI account

Select the TSI Certification from the dropdown

Your Name

Please enter your legal name exactly as mentioned on your government-issued identification document (ID).

Your Contact Information

  • This will be your login ID.

  • Please enter valid mobile number without country code and ensure that candidate will be reachable on the same for all future communications.


The safest passwords will have 8 to 20 characters with at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one numeric letter, and one special character.

I'm not a robot

Enter the characters shown in the image.
Characters are not case-sensitive.


Note: Creating a myTSI account does not automatically enroll an individual in the TSI certification program nor guarantees eligibility for any TSI benefits or privileges.

The Strategy Institute

CredBadge™ is a proprietary, secure, digital badging platform that provides for seamless authentication and verification of credentials across digital media worldwide.

CredBadge™ powered credentials ensure that professionals can showcase and verify their qualifications and credentials across all digital platforms, and at any time, across the planet.

The Strategy Institute

Verify A Credential

Please enter the License Number/Unique Credential Code of the certificant. Results will be displayed if the person holds an active credential from TSI.

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