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Senior business strategy professional certification

Senior Business Strategy
Professional (SBSP™)


SBSP™ - Elite. Evolved. Exclusive.

Successful professional careers in business, management, and industry today hinge on a sharp strategic mindset and a comprehensive understanding of how managerial decision-making intersects with functional responsibilities within the broader context of business strategies. Recognized as the most elite qualification in business strategy in the world today, SBSP™ empowers the careers of professionals across functions and industry verticals, elevating their influence and validating their readiness for leadership and boardroom roles and positions.

Sharpen Your Sense of Strategy

The SBSP™ program is meticulously designed to shape professionals for roles of impact and consequence in leading global organizations, startups, and business corporations. The SBSP™ program journey serves to build a robust framework of advanced concepts and models of strategic analysis, helping professionals link their roles and responsibilities directly with the expectations and needs of internal and external clients, and align their deliverables to the outcomes and goals pursued by their organizations.

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business strategy certification for strategic leaders

SBSP™ Certification Package Fee

USD 1750

The fee covers SBSP™ online certification exam, the Business Strategy Handbook; costs of access to additional reading material on candidate dashboard and also digital badge and printed SBSP™ certificates and lapel pins. This fee also includes shipping of all material but does not cover special local taxes, duties, and levies etc., which may be applicable in the receiver’s/ consignee’s/ applicant’s country. Refund requests made within 24 hours of making the payment will be subject to a processing charge of US$ 80. No refunds will be issued for registration cancellation requests made after 24 hours of registration.

Please note that The Strategy Institute(TSI) is a certification body and does not handle the delivery of training programs nor does it have any control over any aspect of the training and education provided by its training partners. TSI does not regulate or dictate the training program fees charged by any training company or education provider for any TSI certification.

A Few Global Corporations where TSI Certified Professionals Work

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SBSP™ - The Power of Four

The two-stage SBSP™ program journey encourages candidates to refine and enrich their strategic thinking capabilities and integrate strategic analysis into their work approach, ethos, and habits. Stage one of the SBSP™ journey focuses on developing candidates' expertise across the four core dimensions of strategy design principles; strategic analysis tools; strategic thinking practices and strategic agility. Candidates study through the two TSI Business Strategy Handbooks and other reference resources provided on their myTSI dashboards on strategy tools and strategy experiences to complete their learning. Stage two is the opportunity for candidates to apply and test their learning, and then pass the SBSP™ certification exam to prove they are ready for the leap.

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SBSP™ certification program

Refine and enhance your Strategic Thinking Capabilities with SBSP™. 

Across Functions, Roles & Verticals

SBSP™ is the first choice of senior professionals cutting across diverse business and management functions and industry verticals. Designed to accelerate your career in any industry of your specialization, SBSP™ positions you for strategic and leadership roles strengthening your credentials along the way.

A sizable number of SBSP™ applicants work in senior managerial or leadership roles as heads of divisions, departments, projects, strategic groups, and business units. They boast of rich accomplishments in diverse domains including management consulting, finance, digital business, product management, consumer sales, investment banking, private equity, project management, public services, technology, and other related areas.


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SBSP™ - The Program Structure

You can pursue SBSP™ at your own pace along with your professional commitments as TSI gives 365 days (from the day of payment) to all candidates for completing their coursework and assessments.

The SBSP™ program has 2 stages to it, The Stage 1 is all learning and self- assessment. Stage 2 is about certification assessment.

Stage 1 – Learning & Self-Assessment

Stage 1 is entirely dedicated to learning and evaluating the progress of learning. It opens immediately after registration, and stays open throughout. It requires candidates to complete all FOUR coursework modules and one stage-qualifying quiz.


    Candidates are required to read through the flagship text - The Business Strategy Handbook sent in the learning kit. This handbook helps candidates learn theoretical frameworks and principles underlying analysis, development and implementation of strategy in business and organizations.


    This is a sharp and short module on tools and techniques used in business strategy thinking, analysis, design and execution. Candidates are required to read the e-resource Business Strategy ToolBook in this coursework module. This resource is uploaded on the candidate's dashboard.


    This interesting module is to be completed by reading another e-resource Enterprise Business Strategy Experiences available on the candidate's dashboard. It is a short course, featuring small stories of how real organizations have met challenges using business strategy.


    This module is set on latest technology-driven developments, challenges and disruptions in Business Strategy Management practices across the world. To complete this course, candidates must read end-to-end the second book included in their learning kit - The Business Strategy Handbook-2.

Assessment 1 - Quiz (Open all the time)

This is a stage-qualifying MCQ quiz of 40 minutes containing 30 questions, which candidates can take anytime on their dashboard. This quiz is based on e-resources Enterprise Business Strategy Experiences and the Business Strategy ToolBook. Though this quiz is not graded for certification, all candidates must compulsorily pass it to complete the SBSP™ coursework requirement.

Stage 2: Graded Assessments

The stage opens immediately after registration, and stays open throughout the year. Care has to be taken that both the stages must be completed within 1 year maximum from the date of registration. Stage 2 comprises three assessment components, the 3rd of which is the online SBSP™ certification exam. The first two assessment components are application-based assignments to be completed on the myTSI dashboard.


    This component requires candidates to analyze a given business problem or situation and present a solution in the format prescribed on the myTSI dashboard.


    The last component of the SBSP™ program is the final SBSP™ certification exam, which candidates take on the ExamStrong™ online-proctored platform.

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The SBSP™ Package

Upon completing the SBSP™ registration, candidates receive two printed Business Strategy Handbooks. One handbook focuses on strategic analysis and business strategy design and execution, while the other is dedicated to managing disruption through strategic thinking. These resources will assist with preparation for the SBSP™ exam. In addition to the handbooks, registered SBSP™ candidates will also gain access to electronic reading and reference materials through their exclusive myTSI dashboard. These materials will help candidates build a strong foundation in strategic analysis, business strategy, and decision-making and provide context for the deployment of strategic thinking in their work.

The SBSP™ package also includes the exam fee, a digital SBSP™ badge, and a credential kit with a printed SBSP™ certificate and lapel pin for candidates who successfully qualify for the SBSP™ certification award.

SBSP™ certification package

Disclaimer: The Business Strategy Handbooks, kits, certificates, and other materials shown in the image are for illustrative purposes only. Their designs and colors may change without notice. The tablet featured in the image is meant to demonstrate the digital badging included in the package. To receive the certificate and lapel pin, candidates must pass the SBSP™ exam and complete all other requirements necessary to qualify for the certification award.

SBSP™ Candidacy Norms

Professionals holding a Bachelor’s degree with a work experience of atleast 10 years and Master’s degree with a work experience of atleast 8 years (preferably in business/ finance/ human resource/ economics/ management or in a closely related discipline) from a nationally or internationally recognized institution, can apply for the SBSP™ certification program. However, alumni of TSI-recognized/ affiliated institutions or business schools can apply even with a work history of 5 years.

  • Track 1:

    MBA/ Master’s degree holders with at least 8 years of work history in any management or business function, or industry.

  • Track 2:

    Bachelor’s degree holders with at least 10 years of work history in any management or business function, or industry.

  • *Track 3:

    Alumni of TSI-recognized/ affiliated institutions with at least 5 years of work history.

*If your business school/ university is not yet affiliated with The Strategy Institute, the institution’s Program Head can apply for TSI Affiliation .

If you have a work history of 5 years or less, the ABSP™ certification program may just be a better choice for you at this time.
Associate Business Strategy
Professional Discover More

Apply Now for SBSP™!

There’s never a better moment to apply and register for SBSP™ than now! Registration is convenient and fast. Just click here to reach the online application form, complete it, pay your fee online, and you’re done! You can use the links below to understand the application process more vividly. You can also Contact Us for more information.

Quickview – SBSP™ Certification Process

Check SBSP™ Candidacy/ Eligibility

Since TSI prescribes varying and unique educational and work experience requirements for its certifications, please check your fit and eligibility for SBSP™ before you apply. .

Apply for SBSP™ Online

Once you have confirmed your eligibility for SBSP™, you can start the application process by creating your and completing the registration after paying the certification package fee.

Complete SBSP™ Stage 1

SBSP™ Stage 1 involves completing the learning coursework by reading the handbooks and other references resources provided to all candidates after their registration is confirmed. . One set of the TSI Business Strategy Handbooks is shipped to your address registered with TSI, and the full-access to your myTSI dashboard is activated after confirmation of fee payment. Additional reading, reference and preparation resources, practice tests and the SBSP™ study guide are made available on your myTSI account.

The 16-chapters of the first TSI Strategy Handbook comprehensively cover the foundational and technical aspects of all typical contexts in which strategic analysis is done to generate information and insights on environment, competition, organizational challenges, business possibilities and growth options. This handbook helps candidates build a practical mental framework of business strategy analysis, design and execution in various environments, business contexts and organizational life-stages. The second TSI handbook covers core principles, considerations, techniques, approaches and processes generally followed by seasoned strategists to counter the threats of disruption to organizational survival and growth.

Not the least, the learning resources on strategy tools and enterprise experiences provided on the myTSI dashboard lucidly explain how strategy is eventually effected in organizations. Stage 1 includes 4 study components and 1 self-assessment.

Move to SBSP™ Stage 2

SBSP™ stage 2 is dedicated to pre-certification graded assessments. . The first two components are assignments to be completed on the myTSI dashboard, and the final one is the SBSP™ certification exam.

Take Your SBSP™ Exam

The Strategy Institute gives to the applicants, a period of 365 days from the date of payment to complete the requirements for earning the SBSP™ certification. Candidates can register for the SBSP™ certification exam and also complete the other assessment requirements from their myTSI dashboards.

Await the Award Decision

After successfully passing the SBSP™ assessments and exam and meet other conditions, the results will be published on your myTSI dashboard within 10-12 business days. You are awarded the SBSP™ certification and the Digital Badge will be issued immediately to . The physical credential box, which includes a printed certificate, a lapel pin, and the TSI Code of Ethics booklet, will be delivered to you within 3 to 4 weeks from the date of the certification award.

SBSP Certification Exam

Coverage of SBSP Exam

The SBSP™ certification exam is one of the three mandatory assessment components that candidates are required to complete and pass to qualify for the award. Please refer to the assessments section below for detailed structure. The SBSP™ certification exam carries 70% weight and seeks to primarily assess how well can candidates apply their knowledge of the core principles, theories, frameworks and techniques of strategic analysis, strategy formulation and strategy execution in analyzing decision scenarios, problems and opportunities and evolve solutions at various levels in an organization across different stages in its life cycle.

The SBSP™ exam also seeks to assess generic understanding of the dynamics of models and environments of business and industry. As it is aligned to the TSI body of knowledge, the SBSP™ exam does not dwell much on the foundational science of strategic management per se, and instead focuses on aspects that define the core processes and approaches of identifying and managing problems and opportunities related to the health, survival and growth of businesses of organizations.

Candidates entering the SBSP™ program with deep understanding and exposure of the world of global business; hands-on exposure to managerial decision-making; exposure to business processes and analysis and a foundational understanding of strategic management principles and process, generally experience swifter and deeper learning during their SBSP™ certification journey. Such candidates also find preparing effectively for the SBSP™ exam is much easier and faster.

SBSP™ exam features questions drawn from a wide selection of themes and topics defined in the TSI body of knowledge as essential for individuals intending TSI to validate their fitness for senior and more onerous roles in their respective professions. Though the two Business Strategy Handbooks provided to all SBSP™ candidates are not exactly for training or exam-preparation, they do guide the content of the SBSP™ certification exam. All SBSP™ examinees are strongly advised to refer to other books and reference material for smarter exam preparation.

Knowledge Areas & Topics Percentage Weight

Goals, Values, and Performance



Industry & Competitive Analysis



Resources, Capabilities, Structure & Management



Competitive Advantage & Strategic Change Management



Technology Industries & Innovation



Vertical Integration & the Scope of the Firm



Global Business and Diversification Strategy



Managing the Multibusiness Firm



External Growth Strategies



Business Strategy for Digital Disruption




The SBSP™ Exam Format

A typical SBSP™ exam consists of 50 questions, with a mix of fact-based and critical analysis and judgment-based questions. Some exams may feature only one type of question.

Fact-based questions directly test the exam taker's ability to recollect concepts, principles, techniques, and generally accepted practices correctly and precisely in contemporary business strategy. As exam-takers respond to these types of questions, they demonstrate an understanding of critical concepts and issues covered in the TSI body of knowledge. These questions are fact-based, with the answer options being clear statements, either clearly correct or incorrect. There is only one CORRECT answer, and exam-takers are scored only if the correct options are selected.

Critical analysis and judgment-based questions test the exam-taker's understanding of concepts, principles, and techniques at an advanced level and their ability to apply their critical analysis and judgment in gauging business strategy challenges. Ultimately, these questions contribute to the development of well-rounded business strategists. These questions have four answer choices, and ONLY one of these four would be incorrect. The rest of the three answers would be correct, but they represent varying levels of suitability for the situation expressed. The best of these three answers carries the maximum 10 marks, and the least suitable is the least – 5 marks. The third correct answer with mid-level suitability carries 7.5 marks. Exam-takers must choose only one of these four answer choices, and they are scored 0, 5, 7.5, or 10, depending on their choice of answer–option.

The SBSP™ Exam Design

The SBSP™ exam aims at validating candidates' potential to effectively deploy widely adopted concepts, techniques and process of strategic thinking, strategic analysis, opportunity and problem diagnosis, strategy design and strategy implementation in a typically large organization or a business system.

The SBSP™ exam validates this potential by assessing candidates' conceptual, theoretical and applied knowledge of core and generally followed principles, frameworks, techniques and models of strategic analysis and decision-making in varying business contexts, scenarios and environments that organizations encounter in different stages across their life-cycle.

The SBSP™ exam content is aligned to the TSI body of knowledge, which the first of the two TSI Business Strategy Handbooks covers reasonably well. Indeed, since the business strategy space is extremely dynamic, all SBSP™ candidates are expected to also refer to external journals and books; listen to podcasts of experts and participate in professional development activities and events to enrich their perspective of strategy in business.

Qualifying the SBSP™ Exam

SBSP™ has three mandatory assessment components – A1 (weightage 0%), A2 (weightage 30%), and A3 (weightage 70%). All SBSP™ candidates, without exception, are required to qualify these assessments to be considered for the award of the SBSP™ credential. All these assessments have to be completed before you schedule your SBSP™ exam; Hence, it is of extreme importance that you plan your study, assessment submissions, and exam schedule efficiently.



Related Module & Coverage

Reading Resource

Assessment Mode



Business Strategy Tools

Business Strategy ToolBook and Enterprise Business Strategy Experiences

Online Quiz that can be taken anytime on the candidate's dashboard



Submission of a Professional Development Report in a prescribed format, outlining the various activities and formal or informal learning they have undertaken in areas pertinent to business strategy. This may include attendance at seminars, webinars, podcasts, conferences, and conclaves, as well as participation in workplace projects and online courses.


Submission in a prescribed format*



The science of developing and executing Business Strategy; covers principles, concepts, frameworks, processes and tools of analysis and development

Printed Resources

The Business Strategy Handbook, and The Business Strategy Handbook-2

Online Exam conducted on the examstrong portal

*The report is a vital component of the evaluation process as it provides a comprehensive overview of the candidate's professional development and their continued commitment to enhancing their knowledge and skills in this field. It is imperative that candidates adhere to the prescribed format and provide a detailed account of their activities, including the objectives, outcomes, and learnings derived from each endeavor. We trust that candidates will take the opportunity to showcase their competencies and overall commitment to professional growth through this report, thereby demonstrating their suitability for roles that demand a nuanced understanding of business strategy.

Preparing for the SBSP™ Exam

SBSP™ exam aligns to the TSI body of knowledge, which covers essential topics in which knowledge is necessary for SBSP™ candidates to prove their fitness for complex roles in senior positions. It is critical that all SBSP™ candidates continue to keep the strategy of their organizations directly linked to the deliverables of their own roles, and KRAs.

While the two TSI Business Strategy Handbooks build a very good mental framework of core concepts, tools and techniques in business strategy to aid in preparing for the SBSP™ exam, additional external reading is also essential to improve awareness of current strategic thinking and strategic analysis trends. Business Strategy is an evolving discipline and will perhaps never become an exact science, which makes containing the entire practice into a single textbook impossible.

While SBSP™ candidates are advised to use the two TSI Handbooks on Business Strategy as their main reference for preparing for their SBSP™ exam, it is just one piece in preparation for the SBSP™ examination. Although a sizable number of questions in a typical SBSP™ exam are drawn from content which is available in the handbooks, some of the questions may be drawn from content from other sources. TSI therefore strongly advises all examinees to research other online and offline resources to increase their knowledge of concepts and awareness about how business strategy impacts various functions and decision-making in an organization.

The SBSP™ Digital Badge

After successfully passing the SBSP™ exam and meeting all requirements, your results will be published within 10-12 business days and you will officially be awarded the SBSP™. You will also receive an email with your Digital Badge details, enabling you to showcase your achievement on professional networks.

Steps to Share Your Digital Badge
digital badge

SBSP™ Certification Continuation Policy

Business, environment and technology change faster today. Hence, your SBSP™ certification requires refreshing every five years to stay in sync with the latest professional knowledge and practices in the Business Strategy discipline. Your SBSP™ dashboard will have all information on what to read and the other steps you have to take to keep your knowledge and skills current and continue your certification.

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Renew your SBSP certification

SBSP™ Renewal

The SBSP™ certification requires to be renewed every 5 years keep it fresh, current and in good standing. SBSP™ certificants receive renewal reminder emails periodically to ensure timely action. They can log into their myTSI dashboard to register for renewal. Though renewal is possible up to six months after the scheduled expiry of SBSP™ validity, most SBSP™ certificants prefer to renew their credential at least a month before the expiry date to avoid paying extra fee.

Please note that renewing SBSP™ requires no additional assessment or exam. Instead, SBSP™ certification holders require to make a formal and detailed disclosure and declaration on the efforts they have made to continue their professional development and learning unabated. In certain cases, some SBSP™ certificants may also be asked to submit documentary proofs to support the declaration they make at the time of renewal.

Renewal Code Renewal Categories Renewal Timelines Renewal Fee
CASI-1 Regulation Renewal Latest within 5 years after the first award or the last renewal of the SBSP™ credential REGULATION RENEWAL Fee applicable before the expiry of the credential validity of 5 years is USD 200
CASI-2 Renewal during the Extension Period Extension period extends to a maximum of 30 days from the due renewal date. Missing Renewal within the Extension period leads to deactivation of the SBSP™ credential EXTENSION PERIOD RENEWAL fee to be paid for Renewal of SBSP™ credential within the Extension period is USD 250
CASI-3 Renewal/ Reactivation After Deactivation Within maximum 3 months from the date of deactivation of the SBSP™ credential. Missing Renewal within the Reactivation window leads to suspension of the SBSP™ credential CREDENTIAL REACTIVATION fee to be paid for Reactivation of a deactivated SBSP™ credential is USD 350
CASI-4 Renewal/ Revival After Suspension Within maximum 2 months from the date of suspension of the SBSP™ credential. Missing Renewal within the Revival window leads to a summary cancellation and permanent expiry of the SBSP™ credential CREDENTIAL REVIVAL fee to be paid for Revival/ Renewal of a suspended SBSP™ credential is USD 450

Note: The renewed credential validity is five years from the date of renewal.

Renewal decisions are usually communicated within 48 hours of applicants completing their renewal formalities and documentation. The fresh SBSP™ digital badge is issued within 24 hours of approval of renewal and the SBSP™ credential certificate is shipped within 2 to 3 weeks.

Step ahead and register for SBSP™ today!

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The Strategy Institute

CredBadge™ is a proprietary, secure, digital badging platform that provides for seamless authentication and verification of credentials across digital media worldwide.

CredBadge™ powered credentials ensure that professionals can showcase and verify their qualifications and credentials across all digital platforms, and at any time, across the planet.

The Strategy Institute

Verify A Credential

Please enter the License Number/Unique Credential Code of the certificant. Results will be displayed if the person holds an active credential from TSI.

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