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Customer Value in Strategic Management

Customer Value in Strategic Management October 01, 2021

"Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it." - Publilius Syrus, 1st century B.C.

What is value? How can you measure value? How valuable are your products or services to customers? These are questions that few business market veterans can answer. Yet, it is more important than ever to identify the value of a product/service for a customer.

Businesses whose costs are driven by what they procure--increasingly look to purchasing as a way to increase profits and therefore pressure suppliers to reduce prices. Therefore, a supplier must be able to assess what each customer values.

Customer Value: Is it a strategic asset?

If globalization fails to take advantage of economies of scale to capture customers' minds and wallets, it makes complex problems much more unmanageable. Without establishing the notion that the customer is a strategic asset, an organization cannot achieve sustainable competitive advantage and continuous improvement in shareholder value.

Customer value is the phenomenon that keeps companies from going bankrupt and insists on the practice of maintaining long-term relationships with existing customers and earning repeat business by providing an excellent customer experience.

Often, it’s easier said than done but the customer value comes down to identifying what matters most to customers and delivering it. If business leaders fail to focus on customer value, their companies are in chaos. They lose profits and market share faster than their clients, who find better offerings.

Continue reading to find out more about customer value and its importance in any organization. Also, learn how your company can increase the value it provides to those it serves.

A Sharp Definition of Your Target Customer

Segmentation is key to identifying a company's target customer. Segmentation is a way for companies to invest in customers who are most likely to be attracted to their value proposition. There is a broad distinction between individual and business customers. This is commonly known as business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C). A firm's TARGET CUSTOMER will help it define the channels through which it wants to reach clients.

To understand your target customers, it is crucial to develop customer metrics as well as to identify the customer segments you are going to measure and their characteristics. Your measurement framework will be significantly improved by understanding the customer life cycle and their decision drivers. This information is usually prevalent in the marketing department. It has been gleaned from interviews, panels, or surveys. However, you might find that broader canvasing brings about the valuable and necessary debate. This can slow down your process, but it is worth doing so early.

Customers Vs. Competition

To overtake your business competitors, the first step is to discover who they are and what they have to offer your target audience. This will allow you to identify your competitive advantage and make the most of it to attract new customers.

More than focusing on how to outdo your competitor & earn more profits, keep your business strategy focused on how to provide more value to your customer. It will prove to be fruitful in terms of sales and improve your brand loyalty.

Prospective buyers need to find significant value in your business in order for them to make the switch from the competition. In addition, consumers have been more open to trying new brands since lockdown was implemented.

According to a survey by McKinsey, 44% of U.K. respondents had tried new brands or made purchases with a new retailer during the lockdown, typically due to a lack of availability from their usual provider. This market is a prime opportunity for businesses to find new customers. The next logical step for all retailers should include a contingency plan in your business strategy transformation that involves stocking up for repeat & loyal buyers to maintain brand loyalty even in adverse times. It is all about convenience, after all.

Identify market gaps

It would help if you constantly looked for new and innovative ways to fill the gaps in the market. This helps you to compete with your competitors. But unfortunately, this approach requires significant investment in product development. Still, you're guaranteed to sway customers away from competitors if you offer a unique product/service that responds to an unmet consumer need.

Ask your customers to tell you their problems through interviews or surveys. This will help you find gaps in the market. Next, spend some time researching the latest trends in your industry. While your competitors might come up with something similar, it will be a mark of a leader in your industry if you were the first to market. With that distinction, you're sure to attract new customers.


Every business must "acquire and retain" relationships with its target consumers. This is regardless of the product or service you offer. Customers can see the value of your products and services by working with you.

Competitive Advantages through Sustainable Differentiation

Understanding your core businesses is key to successful diversification. Core businesses are those in the attractive industries, that have the potential for sustainable competitive advantage. They also have interrelationships with other businesses and skills that can be used to diversify.

First, the company must ensure that its core businesses are sound by improving management, internationalizing strategies, and improving technology. The company will then have to patiently dispose of units that aren't core businesses. They will allow the company to free up resources that can be used elsewhere. Sometimes disposal means immediate liquidation. In other cases, the company can dress up the units and wait until there is a suitable market or buyer.

Product Value

Many consumers are known price-shoppers. Price guarantees are a way to ensure you don't charge more for the same product than your competitor. Offering the same product or service for less allows consumers to choose the products and services they desire. This strategy should be implemented by looking at your total revenues to avoid reducing your profit margin. It is crucial to ensure that you can maintain lower prices to stay in business.

Unexpected Service

Excellent customer service at every step of the sales process, whether you sell products or services, is a great way to retain customers and give customers a reason to refer their friends. You can create value by prioritizing your customer's priorities, from the initial greeting, "Welcome!" to solving unforeseen problems. While it is not something any business owner would like to do, dealing with unhappy customers can be a stressful experience. However, if you can quickly and decisively address their issues, you will show the customer the place where the value lies--in the relationship with him. To provide customers with a level of value they don't expect but appreciate, train all employees and managers in conflict resolution.

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