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Examination Policies

The Strategy Institute holds a high standard for the credibility and standing of our exams. Our policies are created to ensure that every candidate is assessed with fairness, positivity, objectivity, and empathy, which are essential values in achieving our prestigious credentials. As a candidate, you must acquaint yourself with the following critical policy aspects.

  • It is important to avoid causing disruption during an exam by refraining from making noise, unnecessary physical movements, or engaging in verbal arguments with proctors or fellow examinees. This will help ensure a fair and productive testing environment for all involved.
  • It is strictly prohibited to receive assistance from anyone inside or outside the exam room. Furthermore, the use of prohibited aids or devices, including digital assistants, books, wristwatches, electronic dictionaries, and other similar items, is not allowed. Electronic devices, such as mobile phones, pagers, cordless handsets, etc., are also barred. It is also strictly prohibited to delete, tear off, smear, or corrupt any part of the print or digital exam pack, question paper, or answer sheets.
  • It is unacceptable to cheat or interfere with the exam-computer to gain an unfair advantage or sabotage the exam. Additionally, it is important to follow the exam proctors' instructions and not attempt to move to a different computer or system than the one you started your exam on.
  • During the examination, it is not permitted to copy, remove, or delete questions in any format. It is also important to follow the instructions provided by the proctors.
  • Unauthorized copying or distribution of exam content or materials is strictly prohibited under The Strategy Institute's intellectual property rights laws.

Please be aware that The Strategy Institute has a strict policy against any form of misconduct or unfair behavior during examinations. Violating this policy will result in severe consequences. Please refrain from any communication, whether it be verbal, written, or electronic, that goes against the examination policies. Any act of such nature will result in strict penalties.

Examinee Appeals

a. In the case of TSI’s Disciplinary Action in pre- and post-exam scenarios

If you are an examinee who wants to dispute a decision made by TSI regarding your candidacy, you can download and complete the Candidacy Reconsideration Request Form. Once completed, you can send it through the "Contact Us" option to start the process of dispute resolution.

b. When marked No-Show

If you fail to show up for the exam as scheduled, you will be marked as 'No-Show’. To appeal this classification, you should Contact TSI within 48-96 hours of the missed exam for consideration.


If an examinee is unable to attend a scheduled exam due to an emergency, they should contact The Strategy Institute to report the matter. The following reasons for missing or not showing up for an exam have been deemed acceptable and justified for granting retake permissions if requested.

  • If the examinee or any of their immediate family experiences a serious accident or develops a sudden medical condition requiring urgent attention.
  • If the examinee has been impacted by Covid or is currently under quarantine, or is unable to move due to Covid-related restrictions or disruptions.
  • In the event of a family member's passing, or bereavement
  • If the examinee is required to appear in court, serve on a jury, or is required to fulfill an important national duty.

If you were unable to attend The Strategy Institute exam due to any of the reasons mentioned above, you need to contact The Strategy Institute and request a Retake. To do so, you must provide proof of the emergency encountered, such as doctor's or hospital certificates.

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The Strategy Institute

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